The plan before the site and other stories.

27th May
Openin hours
Saturday and Sunday from 2pm to 5pm
and 24/7 on appointment (groups)
The plan before the site and other stories. Because they are indeed "stories". But when told by those who lived them, they take on a special flavour. Architects, historians and Corbusians, as well as neighbours, friends and student musicians speak out and tell us about their Villa "Le Lac" in the 1960s and 1950s, how violin or rhythmic lessons with Albert Jeanneret, Le Corbusier's brother, took place, with these unusual instruments such as cowbells and (empty) wine bottles. These testimonies are accompanied by numerous writings from the 1940s, documents from the 1930s and even a few rare photographs from the 1920s, when the cantonal road did not yet exist and Georges Guignard came to deliver drinks with his cart pulled by two enormous Percherons. It was a different era! Audio and video content from the RTS archives (Swiss Radio and Television) are also presented in the exhibition.