29/06/2018 to 02/09/2018
Un été à la Villa (A summer at the Villa) offers an occasion to (re)discover the Villa “Le Lac” in all of its functionalist purity. The exterior restoration is complete, the garden has been restored to its initial state (1925), and the Villa “Le Lac” is enriched by three new graphic works.
06/06/2014 to 07/09/2014
Promoter of the modern movement, theorist and architect, Alberto Sartoris is known for his “paper architectures”. His axonometries, which he published in the form of magnificent serigraphs, are on display at the Villa «Le Lac» with the plans of his "Maison Minimale", models and photographs, as well as an armchair of which two units were made in 1990, authorised and certified by Alberto Sartoris.