
L – C 1954 : "Four metres from the window is the lake and four metres behind the front door the road. The area to be kept up measures three hundred square meters and offers an unparalleled view, which cannot be spoilt by building, of one of the finest horizons in the world".

Opening hours

No booking required
5.10 – 27.10 Saturday and Sunday 2 pm – 5 pm
No booking required

​​​​​​​From November, open by appointment only (groups of 12 or more).


CHF 14.- full price
CHF 12.- students
CHF 9.- children (6-10 years)
Cash payment only – no cards​​​​​​​

Outside opening hours

The Villa "Le Lac" is open 24 /7. Visits can be organized all year round for groups of 12 or more, subject to our terms and conditions and 7 days' notice. Admission: CHF 15.- + CHF 150.- for opening outside opening hours (guided tour included). 
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Information / groups booking


The Villa is a 20-minute walk from Vevey Train Station
or bus 201 stop Bergère and 5-minute walk

Villa "Le Lac" Le Corbusier
Route de Lavaux 21​​​​​​
​​​​​​​​CH-1802 Corseaux 


Please read this before your visit. Villa “Le Lac” Le Corbusier (UNESCO) is a grade 1 listed building inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, and thus requires special attention. By respecting the points below, you contribute to its conservation.

1. Stiletto heels and SPD shoes (cyclists) are prohibited because they damage the linoleum floor.
2. Handbags, umbrellas and baby buggies may not be brought into the Villa.
3. It is not permitted to touch the façades, walls, woodwork, furniture, or exhibited works. 
4. Dogs are not allowed anywhere on the site.
5. Eating and smoking inside the Villa and in the garden are forbidden. The entire site—including the garden—is a non-smoking area.
6. Walking on the roof-terrace is not permitted. Visitors may, however, climb the stair that leads to it to see it (max 3 persons).
7. Sitting or standing on the concrete table or the “dog’s platform” (garden) is not allowed
8. Visitors must not cross the wall on the lake side of the property or go down to the rocks.
9. Children are entirely under their parents’ / accompanying persons’ responsibility (beware of electrical outlets and windows from 1924).
10. Audio / video recordings as well as the use of tripods or drones are prohibited without prior written authorization. 

Association Villa « Le Lac » Le Corbusier: 
From 1st January 2013, the museum is managed by the Association Villa « Le Lac » Le Corbusier.
Honorary founding members
Erling Mandelmann: Photographer
René Burri: Photographer
Bruno Reichlin: Architect
Arthur Rüegg: Architect
Jean-Louis Cohen: Historian of 20th century architecture and urbanism
Gaston Barman: President
Stefano Stoll: Vice-President
Alexander Harbaugh: Secretary
Big-Game: Treasurer
Georges Charotton: Technical advisor
Patrick Moser: Art historian and museologist
Evelyne Allard: Coordinator F-D-E
Nicole Beuchat: Graphic design
Marine Perrone: Art Historian
Gaétane Krebs: Art Historian
Alyssa Pasquier: Art Historian
Djamila Zünd: Art Historian
William Favre: Art Historian
Tasnim Daraoui: Collaborator
Maïtena Rais: Art Historian
Asia Cantalupo: Art Historian
Sabrina Kurzen: Art Historian

Fondation Le Corbusier

« I declare, here and in all eventualities, that I leave everything I possess to an administrative entity, the « Fondation Le Corbusier », or any other appropriate realization destined to become a spiritual entity, that is, a continuation of the endeavour pursued throughout a lifetime. »

Le Corbusier (note, dated 13 January 1960)

Created in 1968, the Fondation Le Corbusier was born out of the architect's desire to avoid the dispersion of his works and archives. Its fundamental mission is to look after the architectural work. It has initiated a program of actions to contribute to the knowledge and dissemination of the plastic, architectural and literary work of Le Corbusier: reception of researchers, publications, exhibitions, symposia.

In the context of this continual process of informing and asserting the value of a major work, 17 buildings by Le Corbusier were listed in 2016 on the World Heritage List by UNESCO for their outstanding contribution to the modern movement. 

The Villa “Le Lac”, owned by the Fondation Le Corbusier, is listed as a part of this transnational serial property.

Within the framework of an agreement between the Association Villa “Le Lac” Le Corbusier, established in 2013, and the Commune of Corseaux, the Fondation Le Corbusier is in charge of the restorations and maintenance of this work by Le Corbusier.
Website of the Fondation Le Corbusier (Paris)

Photos © FLC/ProLitteris